Jorge Almazán


DJ Astrofreq



Music Technology Innovator

Ted Chiang

Science Fiction Writer

Kelle Dhein

Tristan Duke


Jessica Flack

SFI Professor and C4 Director

James Gleick


Kyle Harper

Historian of the Ancient World

Travis Holmes

Santa Fe Institute's Emergent Political Economies Program Manager

Chris Kempes

SFI Professor

David Krakauer

SFI President and Miller Professor of Complex Systems

John Krakauer

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Caitlin McShea

Director: Interplanetary Project

Melanie Mitchell

Resident Faculty

Brandon Ogbunu

Assistant Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Yale

Orit Peleg

Assistant Professor at the BioFrontiers Institute at the University of Colorado Boulder

Carolyn Porco

Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley

Dario Robleto

Artist, Writer and Filmmaker

Caleb Scharf

Director of Astrobiology, Columbia University

Peter Swirski

Stanislaw Lem Scholar and Author

Ian Tregillis


Sara Walker

Associate Professor, School of Earth and Space Exploration at ASU

David Wolpert

Professor at Santa Fe Institute