Ty Franck


Tyler Corey Franck is a science fiction writer from Portland, Oregon, now residing in New Mexico. Ty co-authored The Expanse series of novels with Daniel Abraham, and is a writer and  Executive Producer on the TV series The Expanse.

A lifelong love of science fiction – strongest influences, Alfred Bester and Roger Zelazny – led him to construct highly-detailed and thoroughly thought out SF environments for tabletop RPGs. A friend recruited him for a prospective MMO computer game, a project that did not finalize but left him with a wealth of researched material that would eventually see print in The Expanse series of novels.

Ty met author Daniel Abraham at Albuquerque’s Bubonicon convention; they became acquainted after Ty and his wife moved to Albuquerque and Daniel joined in on the RPG games Ty hosted. Abraham, with several novels already published, was impressed with the detailed tabletop games Ty presented and suggested they should collaborate on a novel set in the story’s universe and the successful Expanse series was born, the TV adaptation of which has finished production on its fourth season.