*CANCELED* Concert Series – Presented by AMP Concerts

Railyard Plaza 1612 Alcaldesa Street, Santa Fe, NM

Free, live music every Friday in the Railyard Plaza all summer long! Concerts presented by AMP Concerts, sponsored by Falling Colors, and additionally supported by the InterPlanetary Festival.

*CANCELED* Autonomous Ecosystems Week

Railyard Plaza 1612 Alcaldesa Street, Santa Fe, NM

Humans are resilient, but are we resilient enough to jump the hurdles of longterm survival -- both on our planet and beyond? What can we learn about creating sustainable environments from the evolution of life on our planet, and can we apply those lessons to creating a self-sustaining system on other planets? What can we […]

*CANCELED* Silent Running (1972)

To Be Determined Santa Fe, NM

Specially introduced screening of Silent Running (1972), an environmental-themed post-apocalyptic science fiction film set in a future where all plant life on Earth is becoming extinct. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p69lEMn0I8k