Sandboxes to Think & Play With
Railyard Plaza 1612 Alcaldesa Street, Santa Fe, NMBiophysicist Shawn Douglas and designer Chaim Gingold discuss their inspirations and strategies for building computational tools that introduce new ways to play and think. Recently, they have been collaborating on Gelbox, a simulation and visualization tool for teaching Gel Electrophoresis—a notoriously hard to learn yet foundational tool in biology. This project grew directly out Shawn’s […]
Earth Primer
Presented by Earth Primer creator Chaim Gingold.
Autonomous Ecosystems
What’s the minimal requirement for a self-sustaining ecosystem? Ecosystems crash all the time, closed ones included, what does a fully closed, man-made, functional ecosystem look like? What processes lead to living planets? What’s required for stable ecosystems and long-term stability? Are we capable of building an autonomous ecosystem? Are there general signs of the impact […]
Planetary Policy & Regulation
What is the best operating system to run a planet? Who governs? Who owns? Who rewards and punishes? How can we evolve law and regulation to reflect the larger systems within which we live? What can the regulation of terrestrial ecosystems teach us about our opportunities and limitations as a species in stewarding each other […]
Time Design
What is the nature of time? Is time real? Is time an invention? Can we control time? Is the universe aging? Will it die? Could we live forever organically? In simulation? How could/will the Singularity affect human time? Is consciousness infinite? What’s the half-life of a civilization? What’s the half life of planet? How can […]
Motion & Energy Technology
How do we get there? How do we get there without using the earth as our fuel? What is the ideal fuel source? Will InterPlanetary travel require fundamentally new motion and energy technologies? Is nuclear tech a realistic solution? Why? Should space crafts be autonomous vehicles? Will space cities be planetary establishments or will we […]
Living in Space
How different will our day to day be on another planet? Will it be on another planet or in a spaceship? What will we endure physically to live in space? Who says it will be any different than life on earth? Where can we live? What will we eat? Will it be comfortable or uncomfortable? […]
Future Evolution of the Brain-Body on Earth and Space
Sustained space occupation will necessarily involve putting people under prolonged stresses that will challenge physical and mental resilience. There are a vast array of tools available today to alter and improve our cognitive and metabolic well-being, efficiency, and physical performance.Sound, vibration, and light offer a dynamic method to entrain cortical brainwaves of working teams to the timing […]
Origins of Life in Space
When considering the origins (and possibilities) of life in space, there are many complex and interweaving questions to find the answers for. How likely is it that we will find life in space? How to we even calculate that likelihood? Where do we look, and what are the best methods to use in our search? […]
Intelligent Systems
What is intelligence? If we as humans consider ourselves to be the pinnacle of intelligence, at least in terms of tangible accomplishments as a species, do we expect to find this same level and occurence of intelligence mirrored in any extraterrestrial life we come across? Do we expect that intelligent life to be organic, or […]
Social and Economic Engineering
All life on earth is social life, what are its limits? Are our social institutional systems the best there are? Could you have one planet that was one nation? How can we optimize equality, efficiency as a function of system architecture and size? Are terrestrial institutions the best that the universe has to offer? Do […]
Visualization and Designing the Impossible
Is art the best means to communicate with others? Is art the most effective means of communication in general? Visually? Musically? Linguistically? Should we send an artist into space? Should we bring art with us at the risk of precious and expensive payload? Should they have brought a poet? Was Jodie Foster right? Do other […]
The End of the World?
Do we have the intelligence, socially and technologically to save the earth? Is it too late? Do climate scientists have to become climate engineers? Do we have to radically change the way we live and consume to allow for continued life on earth, or will technology save us? Is talking about interplanetary travel irresponsible? Is […]
Zen and the Art of Space Exploration
First Panel Discussion of the 2019 InterPlanetary Festival. How do we prepare – physically and psychologically – for impossible, exhilarating, and terrifying feats? What goes through the mind before a solo trek across the South Pole, a free climb up a seemingly insurmountable mountain, a manned mission to Mars?
Extremophile Cities
As people continue to flock to cities, new developments in urban design, architecture, and technology are transforming how we live, work, commute, eat, and learn in urban environments. The rapid rise of the Digital Age has all but reinvented our day-to-day urban lives, as breakthroughs in science and technology muddy the waters between the physical […]
Building Life From Scratch
The origin of life on Earth remains a hotly contested question among scientists. Maybe life began in the depths of the ocean, or with an electric spark, or in a small pond that repeatedly dried. Perhaps the answer to this question will be found through our understanding of the role that RNA played in the […]
The Science of Vintage Space
In the early days of the space race, Los Alamos National Laboratory played a critical role in developing sensors for satellites to detect nuclear explosions in space—but it also paid huge scientific dividends. Those sensors ultimately led to important astronomical discoveries, including the discovery of gamma-ray bursts and insights into solar storms and their impacts […]
World Building
Using our innate senses of creativity and invention, we can tell stories about all kinds of places that never were and might never be. We can talk about what life is like in a human colony on Mars or chronicle what would happen in an alternative history where World War II never took place. We […]
Time Panel
Time often feels like it’s moving at a different pace. Five minutes can feel like an eternity when you’re waiting for the heat from a habanero pepper to fade, but three hours can feel like no time at all when you’re having dinner with an old friend. Children seem to grow up at an astonishing […]
Diverse Intelligence
Orangutans, octopuses, and ravens might appear to have little in common, but they are among the most intelligent species on Earth, capable of recognizing faces and using tools. For animals of lesser individual intelligence, they often make better decisions by using the collective wisdom of the entire group. Flocks of birds rely on group intel […]
Creative Black Futures
The uniquely cataclysmic outcomes that climate change, food shortages, and once-in-a-lifetime weather events will have on Black people is a question that recent history has already begun to answer. Hurricanes Maria and Katrina, the 2010 Haitian earthquake, among other crises have made it clear that Black people and people of color will shoulder the burden […]
*CANCELED* Emergent Engineering Panel
To Be Determined Santa Fe, NMPanel on "Emergent Engineering" featuring Jonathan Blow, Jessica Flack, and Stephanie Forrest.
*CANCELED* Astrobiology & Life Detection Panel
SITE Santa Fe 1606 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501, Santa Fe, NMA panel discussion on life detection investigations deployed place today, what those technologies are seeking, what information we're receiving, and what it all means. This panel is partially supported by the National Science Foundation.
*CANCELED* Motion & Energy Technology Panel
To Be Determined Santa Fe, NMPanel on the topic of "Motion and Energy Technology", co-presented by Virgin Galactic.
*CANCELED* Intelligent Systems Panel
SITE Santa Fe 1606 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501, Santa Fe, NMThis panel will be on the topic of Intelligent Systems & Cognitive Design.
*CANCELED* InterPlanetary Constitutional Convention
SITE Santa Fe 1606 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501, Santa Fe, NMWhat considerations should we take when writing a constitution for a newly established InterPlanetary settlement? What can we learn from the constitutions governing nations on Earth? Following on the heels of a closed meeting on the same subject, this panel will discuss what should be included in an adaptable governing document for a future settlement […]
*CANCELED* Cultural Preservation in an Age of Appropriation
SITE Santa Fe 1606 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501, Santa Fe, NMA roundtable discussion by the Projecting Particles (I=Universe) Team about Indigenous cultural values and Western values, their intersections, their distinctions, and how cultures can be shared widely without loss. This roundtable discussion will be followed by story-telling sessions in the tipi, between Steven Tamayo and Steven Goldfarb, while Marcus Dominger live projects images onto the […]
Panel Discussion: Complex Conceptions of Time
SITE Santa Fe 1606 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501, Santa Fe, NMFor InterPlanetary’s opening panel discussion, David Krakauer will lead a discussion between Ted Chiang, James Gleick, and David Wolpert on Complex Time, and representations of time: How time is encoded, described, represented, modeled and observed.After providing a brief introduction to some of the representational dichotomies of time – (1) fundamental vs. emergent time and (2) […]
Panel Discussion: Life and its Objects
SITE Santa Fe 1606 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501, Santa Fe, NMChris Kempes introduces the panel discussion: Life and its Objects. The desire to know whether or not we’re alone in the universe is by no means a new obsession. For instance, the Voyager Mission – with its two data probes, various spectrometers, and a golden love letter to alien life – launched 46 years ago. […]
Panel Discussion: When will we need a Theory of Intelligence?
SITE Santa Fe 1606 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501, Santa Fe, NMJessica Flack introduces our panel discussion: When will we need a Theory of Intelligence? Machine learning algorithms have been surprisingly successful at performing tasks that we assumed required high levels of intelligence, such as predicting protein folding (AlphaFold), as well as creative expressions like poetry with language prediction models (GPT-3). Do those successes imply that […]
Panel Discussion: The Complex Space of Political Economies
SITE Santa Fe 1606 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501, Santa Fe, NMFrom rising inequality and the impacts of geopolitical conflict, to the immense challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, we are in a period where new thinking about human systems has become essential. Now, in the early part of the 21st century, we are at a time of political and social change that […]
Panel Discussion: Will space limit human performance?
SITE Santa Fe 1606 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501, Santa Fe, NMDavid Krakauer introduces our panel discussion: Will space limit human performance? With the Artemis mission on the horizon and Elon Musk’s insistence on crewed Martian missions by 2030, considering how humans might live in space is at the forefront of our global collective mind. But what is required of those intrepid volunteers to flourish in […]