Based on a close monitoring of the global situation and the research of our own affiliated faculty and others, the Santa Fe Institute has decided to suspend visitor-related programs and public events through August, including the 2020 InterPlanetary Festival series, in a decisive effort to #FlattenTheCurve of COVID-19.

This decision is based on the following factors:

  1. – The InterPlanetary Festival is a large gathering.
  2. – Physical proximity is the means by which COVID-19 is transmitted.
  3. – The infectivity of non-symptomatic carriers is unknown but higher than anticipated.
  4. – The morbidity is unknown but likely to be higher than that of seasonal influenza.
  5. – Containment and quarantine are the best means of mitigating transmission.

Given the complex and uncertain factors surrounding this epidemic, the precautionary principle urges us to suspend all InterPlanetary events and programming in Summer 2020. We are very much looking forward to 2021.

Stay safe, and stay home! We’ll see you next year…